We are the real countries, not the boundaries drawn on maps with the names of powerful men.

intense simplicity:




国设,生了个孩子叫Davie(David Kirkland Jones,缩写DKJ。本来还有个中间名我忘了,索性像FDR一样中间名是母亲的姓好了。名字来源是阿米的Davie梗)。孩子和我差不多大,就算是95/00后吧(雾)

出生于英国伦敦。小时候在伦敦亚瑟拥有的一个小公寓的阁楼里长大(响起the aspidistra flies的BGM),因为米英都觉得不能太溺爱孩子。小学时期半年在英国半年在美国轮换着生活,到了中学就完全被接到美国(波士顿或者纽约)生活。

喜欢音乐,涉猎广泛,有个摇滚乐团(fourth of july就是他在中学美国历史课上写的)。沾染了阿尔弗雷德的爱好也非常喜欢鼓捣飞机。因为父母的缘故对国际关系非常感兴趣,但就是憋着不说。


在牛津PPE的concentration选的是国际关系,主攻米英关系(ofc)。依旧喜欢音乐,在牛津的小酒吧里唱indie rock。大学毕业后加入了RAF服役了一些年。







Every summer America and Davie would go hiking/camping together - Yellowstone, Yosemite, Grand Canyon; America is, of course, the best guide anyone could ever get in these places. After Davie reached 16 they would drive on the long, endless roads across the country; from Virginia to California, from the metropolitan to the desolates. England was not so fond of this; he used to be so excited about going on such expedition, but nowadays he's just a grumpy old man. ("But I remember him, when I was little," America reminisced after the couple confessed to Davie that they are actually personified entities of nations, "I'll always remember those first fields, my fields, as wide and endless as the sea; and those amazing eyes of Arthur look so much like them." David always thought it was nauseatingly romantic.)

But no; England wasn't so fond of such thing anymore. As an alternative he always offered to take Davie to the museums, where he stored his collections of gold-edged tea set from Georgian era, or his stolen trinkets while Victoria was still on the reign. He liked to invite Davie to a stroll from Trafalgar Square down the whitehall to the Westminster Bridge, where he could point out the places certain famous people lived hundreds of years ago, or just lay a banquet of poppies on the cenotaph on the Remembrance Day.



其实原来Davie的出生年份还有两个设定,一个是一战结束后美国人建好league of nations就拍拍屁股回家搞isolationism那时候,阿尔弗雷德被圈在自个儿家里完全不知道自己有个孩子。二战期间碰巧USAF和RAF一起进行任务阿尔弗雷德遇到Davie时也不知道,还觉得聊得很来很有缘分。直到Davie战死疆场二战结束之后阿尔弗雷德才在稍稍痊愈的亚瑟口中听说这个消息。 


England used to sing The Aspidistra Flies to Davie when he's little. At that time he and America still lived together- they made an agreement to take turns living in each other's country every half year. In London they lived in a small flat that Arthur owned back in his poorest times, because somehow they both agreed luxuries would spoil the child- and also because they couldn't tell him their identities yet. 

Davie liked staring through the foggy glass window to the streets- despite his age, he understood the motives in the song, London umbrellas, rainy Sundays drunk at two. Then he turned back his head he'd see his father cuddled his mother from behind as the smaller man sang. Or sometimes when he woke up to the noises of rain at night, he'd discover his parents were dancing to Moonlight Serenade in the kitchen in candle light- both giggling, looking deeply into each other's eyes and drunkenly in love. 

These were the best memories he had - the only memories he had in which his parents looked so harmonious together.


America and England fought a lot during the 60s. Though Davie was still little at that time, he remembered how his father went on and on about the vices of communism, and his mother just sat on his side of the sofa in complete silence. But sometimes when America was pressing too hard England would sneer and say, "you know what? Declare war against him. I'll ally with you." And it would always drive America to storm out and slam the door in temper.



also excuse my wording/grammar i'm equally awkward in English and Chinese

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